Balancing Work and Life from a Prison Cell

The evolution of work-life balance since COVID-19 has shifted from traditional norms—like commuting with podcasts, fitting in exercise between meetings, and unplugging after work. Many professionals today embrace work-life integration, adapting to flexible hours and remote work environments. Yet, this new balance isn’t universal. For those of us in unique situations, particularly where choices are constrained, balance and integration take on a different meaning. For us, it’s about navigating our specific limitations and finding growth within a structured setting.

For instance, within our organization, a significant portion of our workforce connects directly from behind prison walls. Yet, I’m sure I speak for many of my co-workers when I say that despite our unusual circumstances, we’re goal-oriented women with a passion for what we do and a drive to take our careers to the next level. We live a different life than most women in the corporate world, but work-life balance is still important.

Striking that perfect balance has been a constant battle for me. While residing in a prison, I’d rather throw myself into my work than spend time “in the yard.” But, still, after my workday ends at 5 p.m., that’s where I return—to the yard. I’ve developed a few helpful tools to keep my sanity in a place full of chaos and unconventional living quarters.

Mind Over Matter

Even before I came to prison, I was always into the power of the mind. Mindset is everything, and coming to prison only ingrained this into me even further. Life in prison is far from easy, but practicing mindfulness taught me to get the most out of what I once thought was a tragic situation.

When I leave the office for the day, I don’t go home. I go to an 8×12 foot cell and a yard of 200+ women. There is constant noise, a long list of rules to abide by, and a lack of privacy – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. As someone who deals with anxiety, my mind is my sanctuary, a place of freedom I can retreat to any time I want. To help me stay mentally strong, I use things like:

· Journaling: Writing comes naturally to me, so putting my thoughts on paper has always been the perfect coping mechanism for balancing life, whether in or outside prison.

· Meditation: And not just your stereotypical sitting quietly for hours. I meditate in simple ways, like focusing on my breathing and bringing myself back to the present.

· Reading: Anyone who knows me knows I’m a complete bookworm. Books keep my mind focused on positive topics and help me escape from the day-to-day aspects of prison life. My mantra is Always Be Reading, a page-turner’s take on Alec Baldwin’s “Always Be Closing” monologue in Glengarry Glen Ross. Books are the stepping stones to creativity, growth, and success.

Get Moving

At the risk of sounding cliché, sticking to a regular workout routine has been a catalyst in helping me find work-life balance. A healthy body and mind become the foundation of success in work and life, and the benefits are endless:

· Increased energy.

· Boosted productivity.

· A better immune system.

· A healthy heart.

· Better social connections.

After a long day at work, a challenging yoga session is just what I need to reset my mind for a week full of website development, strategy sessions, and team meetings. Find your way to move a little more each day, and I promise you’ll feel more peaceful and balanced at your desk and everywhere.

Stick to a Schedule

When I first arrived in prison, I realized that my life as I knew it was going to be far from ordinary. But I accepted it, found my new normal, and created a schedule to keep my life moving forward. Sticking to a schedule helps me maintain a work-life balance because I can prioritize my time for what’s important to me, ensuring I fit in for work and fun. As we all know, too much of a good thing can be detrimental, so I schedule activities that keep me grounded. If coming to prison taught me anything, time is valuable, so you should consider how you spend it.

I wanted to determine the outcome of my future, so I built a schedule to get me where I wanted to go. As John C. Maxwell says, “The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” I want my future to include financial stability, career success, health, fun, and family, so I stick to a schedule that keeps me on track.

Be Selfish

Have you ever felt like you always put others’ needs before yours? Learning to prioritize your well-being and being selfish in a healthy way has been a game-changer for me. It has helped me find balance and take care of myself while still being there for the people I care about. I used to say “yes” to everyone, putting others’ needs above my own and sadly allowing my needs to wave at me from a distance. Now I think commitments through. I evaluate whether or not I’ll be able to accomplish something and what role that task, appointment, or commitment plays in my life before I say “yes.”

The funny thing is I used to think I was flaky and had a problem making commitments. By being selfish with my time, I’ve realized I have more of it to fit in things that matter to me, like:

· Studying.

· Being active.

· Time with friends.

· Volunteering.

Taking care of yourself is by far the best investment you can make.

Carpe Diem

When all is said and done, the location of your work and residence is irrelevant. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for everyone, and we share more similarities in how we handle our lives than we initially realize. Remember, perfection doesn’t exist. Balance is a great aspiration, but know it’s OK to wobble! If I can make my journey as a website developer in prison feel less like walking across a circus tightrope, I know you can find balance in your life, too!

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