The Complete Guide to Creating and Executing a Cloud Sales Strategy

Digital technology continues to develop and introduce new ways for companies to conduct business. As a result, sales and marketing teams must constantly reevaluate their processes and strategies. Cloud computing has changed the way businesses store and share digital information. Before, companies stored software and data on hard drives and servers. Now, they can store, manage, and process their information via remote servers on the internet.

Cloud computing has also transformed the way consumers buy. Instead of long-term contracts and solutions with high price tags, today’s customers opt for no-contract, pay-as-you-go options for a lower cost. Transitioning to cloud computing allows businesses to do this while achieving lead generation and sales growth. Every year, 36% of businesses spend more than $12 million on cloud services. Cloud sales are critical to your success and affect every aspect of your process. Realign with today’s market by creating and executing an effective cloud sales strategy.

Benefits of Using the Cloud

Despite what its name suggests, the cloud is not a single entity. Rather, it is a series of online servers housed in global data centers. Through the cloud, companies do not rely on physical machines to run their software and data systems. Instead, they access those files and applications at any time, from any place, on any device. This is beneficial to your business for several reasons.

Not only does remote storage free up space on physical hard drives and local servers, but it prevents loss of data. Because files are stored online, if your physical machine (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) were to crash, you won’t lose all of your data. Your device was accessing the files remotely, so they’re still stored on the digital servers, fully intact.

Accessing information via the internet makes data sharing much easier. People from all over the world can access the same files at the same time, streamlining communications and simplifying sales processes. Additionally, companies save the time and money it takes to manage their hard drives and servers. Cloud computing vendors take over the maintenance and management duties of an IT team. This allows businesses to focus their resources on the best lead generation and revenue building.

5 Easy Steps for Developing a Cloud Sales Strategy

Selling cloud services takes a carefully planned and well-executed sales strategy. Here are five steps to boost your sales funnel with cloud sales.

1. Define Your Business Drivers

Before you can begin to sell cloud services, you must first identify your reason for creating and introducing your cloud solution. Consider things like customer expectations, sales goals, and industry trends. Why are you providing this service, and why should people care? Keeping up with the Joneses isn’t a good enough reason. You shouldn’t be in this market simply because your competitors are. Your business drivers should provide long-term benefits, like ongoing revenue and sustained demand.

2. Develop Lasting Relationships

Sales teams are trained with the goal of gathering as many customers and market share as possible. Cloud sales require a different approach because these customers are harder to retain. It’s better to focus on developing lasting relationships with people and using customer lifecycle marketing to build recurring revenue. Gain a deep understanding and awareness of the customer journey and capitalize on opportunities to cross-sell and up-sell cloud services to the right people at the right time. When it comes to gaining cloud service customers, quality is more important than quantity.

3. Rethink Your Sales Team

Cloud sales are unlike other digital products. Sales teams need to have the technical understanding and the right tools to effectively guide prospects through the sales funnel. Consider pairing your team with technical sales experts who can help answer questions and alleviate concerns that might cause prospects to purchase elsewhere.

For an impactful cloud sales strategy, develop a sales team that includes people who are responsible for:

  • Qualifying Leads: The first contact for prospects, these staff members manage inbound opportunities.
  • Nurturing Opportunities: They seek new business and nurture current relationships.
  • Managing Large Deals: These workers manage engagement and propel consumers through the sales funnel.
  • Maintaining Customer Success and Renewal: They pursue current customers for extra revenue opportunities.
  • Offering Technical Insight: These people bridge the gap between sales staff and customers who have technical questions.

The team should have numerous channels for communication to keep the transfer of information seamless and transparent. All of this helps to provide a positive user experience, leading to brand loyalty and sales growth.

4. Equip Your Team with the Right Tools

Once you’ve established your revised sales team, it’s time to equip them with the tools they need to succeed in their role. Everyone must receive training on your offerings, the latest technology, and appropriate sales techniques.

Ongoing education that blends sales tactics with technical skills will ensure they’re at the top of their game. Teach everyone the ins and outs of the buyer journey, lead assessment, and seamless transition between teams. Clearly explain how all of these steps work to power the sales cycle. Consider using an automation platform to simplify their roles and help track user behavior, maintain efficiency, and deliver lead scores that yield positive results.

5. Reconsider Your Target Audience

One of the major benefits of cloud computing is its affordability. This makes it especially appealing to small businesses. Cloud computing requires hardly any cost upfront, and its financial payment options are flexible. This is ideal for small businesses, which tend to have limited budgets and resources. While it’s true the needs of small businesses can be a challenge for software companies, this audience can also be a major revenue asset. Create a cloud sales strategy that targets small business leaders.

If you’re not familiar with the functionality of small business practices, hire a third-party service to help generate customer growth. They can target multiple decision-makers within a single business and communicate with each effectively. Marketing teams are interested in business value and long-term dividends. IT teams are interested in the products and features of the services you provide. By creating personalized sales campaigns, you’ll resonate with different departments and increase the likelihood of closing sales.

Trusted Experts Can Help You Develop Your Cloud Sales Strategy

Cloud computing is impacting the way consumers make purchases and companies do business. Developing and executing an effective cloud sales strategy is critical to revenue generation. Televerde is a global sales and marketing services company that works with you to develop a powerful cloud sales strategy. Let us help you attract qualified leads and close sales for optimal business success.

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